1ÁÖ: Çö´ë À±¸®ÇÐ ÀÌ·ÐÀÇ ÁÖ¿ä ÀïÁ¡ ¼Ò°³
2ÁÖ: Bertrand Russell, Science and Ethics, Vol. 1, 19-27ÂÊ.
3ÁÖ: G. E. Moore, The Conception of Intrinsic Value, Vol. 1, 28-42ÂÊ.
4ÁÖ: Charles Stevenson, The Nature of Ethical Disagreement, Vol.
1, 43-50ÂÊ.
5ÁÖ: R. M. Hare, A Moral argument, Vol. 1, 51-57ÂÊ.
6ÁÖ: J. L. Mackie, The Subjectivity of Value, Vol. 1, 58-84ÂÊ.
7ÁÖ: Gilbert Harman, Ethics and Observation. Vol. 1, 85-91ÂÊ.
8ÁÖ: David Gauthier, Why Contractarianism?, Vol. 1, 92-108ÂÊ.
9ÁÖ: Thomas Nagel, Value, Vol. 1, 109-124ÂÊ.
10ÁÖ: David Wiggins, Truth, Invention, and the Meaning of Life,
Vol. 1, 125-168ÂÊ.
11ÁÖ: Bernard Williams, Ethics and the Fabric of the World, Vol.
1, 169-179ÂÊ.
12ÁÖ: Nicholas L. Sturgeon, Moral Explanations, Vol. 1, 180-209ÂÊ.
13ÁÖ: John McDowell, Value and Secondary Qualities, Vol. 1,
14ÁÖ: Jonathan Dancy, Two Conception of Moral Realism, Vol. 1,
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