


about me

family name


proper name


degree MA & PhD (Seoul National University)
status    professor emeritus (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea)
office Ahn's Academia Acropolis
(Ilshin Benest A. 101-1103, Cheongju)
e-mail    ahnsah@chungbuk.ac.kr
homepage http://web.chungbuk.ac.kr/ ~ahnsah/
telephone & fax tel.: +82-(0)43-262-2153 (ahn's office)
tel.: +82-(0)43-261-2147 (department office)
fax: +82-(0)43-273-2147 (department office)
address Ahn's Academia Acropolis
Ilshin Benest A. 101-1103, Mochungro 68-26, Seowongu, Cheongju,
Chungbuk, 28669, South Korea

Department of Philosophy, College of Humanities,
Chungbuk National University, Cheongju,
Chungbuk, 28644, South Korea

academic and social activities

academic activities (inside)

- Professor emeritus, Chungbuk National University (2017 - present)
- Professor, Chungbuk National University (1995 - 2017)

- Associate professor, Chungbuk National University (1990 - 1995)
- Assistant professor, Chungbuk National University (1986 - 1990)
- Full-time lecturer, Chungbuk National University (1983 - 1986)
- Lecturer (philosophy and logic), Seoul National University (1982 - 1984)
- Full-time lecturer (ethics, French philosophy, social philosophy,
  and philosophy of history), University of Foreign Studies (1982 - 1983)

- Head, Department of Philosophy (2010 -2012)
- Head, Department of Philosophy (2003 -2005)

- Dean of Student Affairs, Chungbuk National University (1994 - 1995)
- Director of Student Affairs, College of Humanities (1993 - 1994)

- Head, Department of Philosophy (1992 - 1993)

academic activities (outside)

- Visiting Professor, University of California Berkeley & Stanford University (2000).
- Visiting Professor, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK (1996).

- Director-General, All National University Professors Association of Korea (1993 - 1998).
- Secretary-General, Chungbuk National University Faculty Association (1991- 92).
- Director, Philosophical Research Association of Korea (1990 - ).
- Director, Korean Association for Philosophical Thoughts (1987 - ).

- A member, Advisory Committee of Higher Educational Reformation in Ministry of Education (1997-8)

membership of philosophical associations

- Korean Philosophical Association (1980 - )
- Philosophical Research Association (1980 - )
- Korean Association for Studies of Philosophical Thoughts (1987 - )

social activities

- President, Chungbuk Professors Association for Democracy (2000 - 2002)
- Co-representative, Chungbuk Civil Solidarity for Political Reformation 2000 (Jan - Apr 2000)
- Director, Civil Committee of New Educational Community of Cheongju (1999 - 2000)

teaching subjects

undergraduate Courses
- open two classes per semester

- understanding philosophy (1st or 2nd semester)
- philosophy in the ordinary life (1st or 2nd semester
- ethical theories (1st semester)
- social philosophy (2nd semester)
- philosophy of history (2nd semester)
- seminars in axiology (1st semester)

graduate courses
- open one class per semester

- seminar in social philosophy
- studies in contemporary social philosophy
- seminar in philosophy of history
- studies in axiology
- seminar in contemporary ethical theories
- studies in applied ethics
- seminar in Globalist capitalism
- seminar in Marxian philosophy
- seminar in post-Marxism

recent research interests

- Marx in the 21st Century
- Political Economy of Globalized Capitalism, Mass-culture, Mass-Media, Education,

- Realism, Relativism and Pluralism
- Bio-power and Bio-politics

- Root and Metaphor in Korean Traditional Philosophical Thoughts

- Reformation of Korean Higher Educational System

- Feminist Epistemology, Feminist Ethics, Eco-feminism
- Bio-ethics, Medical ethics, Cyber-ethics
- Ecological and Environmental Ethics

books and articles


(2009) Anarchism: Kropotkin's works and Other Essay (with Baik yong-sik, Chungbuk National University Press, 2009).

(2004) Philosophers Speak 'Death' (with Chung Dong-ho, Sanhae, Seoul, 2004)

(1999, 2007) The Moral Philosophers(2nd revised edition, Richard Norman, Oxford U. P., 1998) translated into Korean.

(1998) Reality and Reason (Sean Sayers, Blackwell Publishing Co, 1986), translated into Korean.

(1996) The Beauty Myth (Naomi Wolf, Vintage, 1991) translated into Korean.

(1995) Student Movements : Its History and Ideological Tendency, co-ed. by Ahn, Hahn, and Kee.

(1994) Moral Philosophers (Richard Norman, Oxford U. P., 1983), translated into Korean.

(1990) Hegel, Marx and Dialectic (Richard Norman and Sean Sayers, Harvester P., 1980) translated into Korean.

(1990) Marx's Practical Materialism , Seoul National University, 1990.

(1984) Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies (Ted Benton, R. K.& P, 1975), translated into Korean.


(2017) 'The Philosophical Debates of ¡®Practical Materialism¡¯ in Contemporary China', in Daedong Chulhak (The Dae-Dong Philosophical Association) vol. 78, 2017, pp. 301-327.

(2015) 'A Critique of 'the speculative movement of philosophy' in the 21st Century', in Daedong Chulhak (The Dae-Dong Philosophical Association) vol. 70, 2015, pp.115-134.

(2013b) 'Radical Contradiction of Global Capitalism and Higher Education, in Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 46-7, pp.71-91.

(2013a) 'Philosophical Discourse and Humanities in the Age of Global Capitalism, in Thought and Culture of East Asia(published by Higashi Asia Shiso Bunka Kenkyukai, no. 5, pp1-13.

(2012) 'A Critique of Zizek's Idea of 'The Act'', in Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 44 , pp.75-94.

(2011) 'A Critique of Political Ideology of Socio-biological 'Consilience', in Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 42, pp.1-22.

(2010b) 'The Crisis of Radicalism in Humanities: Toward a Resistence of Humanities',  in Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 44 , pp.137-147.

(2010a) 'Zizek's Concept of Ideology and Ideologiekritik' (forthcoming), in Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 40, pp.1-23.

(2009b) 'An Ideological Characteristic of Edward Wilson's Consilience',  in Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 38, pp.155-187.

(2009a) 'Anarchism Renaissance', in: Anarchism: Kropotkin's works and Other Essay, with Baik yong-sik, Chungbuk National University Press, 2009, pp.271-319.

(2008b) 'Derrida's Hauntology and the Problems of Praxis' in Bol ('Ghost'), vol. 8, 2008, pp.247-256.

(2008a) 'Political Subject in the Age of Globalizing Capitalism: People or Multitude?' in Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 36, pp.277-299.

(2006) 'Critical Review on the Debate on 'Life after Capitalism' between M. Albert and A. Callinicos', in: Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 33, pp.371-393.

(2005) 'Criticism of Religion in Marxian Texts and Context', in: Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 31, pp.203-226. 

(2004) 'Death as Absolute Alternite in Levinas', in Philosophers Speak 'Death' (Seoul, 2004)

(2002) 'Formative Processes and Deconstruction of Dialectical Materialism', in Gwanak, vol. 26, Seoul National University, pp. 249-268.

(2001) 'Marcuse's Following up to and Escaping from Marx', in Aesthetics of Literature and Art : Critical Theory revisited (Society for Aesthetics of Literature and Art) vol 8, pp. 225-248.

(1999) 'Untimely Encouter of Derrida with Marx', in Aesthetics of Literature and Art : Deconstruction and Marxism (Society for Aesthetics of Literature and Art) vol 6, pp. 163-195.

(1996) 'On the Practical epistemology of Society in Early Marx(1), in: Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol 14, pp.107-136.

(1995a) 'On the Ideological Tendency and Conflicts in the Korean Student Movements of 1980s' in: Student Movements: Its History and Ideological Tendency (ed. by Ahn, Hahn, and Kee), 1996.

(1995b) 'New Challenges and Its Limits of Liberalistic Capitalism' in Epoch and Philosophy (Korean Association for Studies of Philosophical Thought) No. 10, pp 195-202.

(1991a) 'An Analysis of Manuscripts(1844) on the Viewpoint of German Ideology(1845)', in: Movements of Thoughts and Literatures (Pulbit Press, Seoul), pp.372-400.

(1991b) 'Reformative Tendency of Soviet Philosophy after Perestroika(1985)', in: Praxis and Literature' (Praxis Press, Seoul), 301-323.

(1990a) 'A 'Wissenschftstheoretische' Analysis of "Philosophic-Economic Manuscripts(1844)", in: Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities in CNU) vol. 5, pp.127-167.

(1990b) The Formation of <Practical Materialism> in Early Marx : On the Methodological Characteristics of Marx's <theory and Praxis> (pp.350), PhD. Dissertation, Seoul National University, 1990.

(1988) ''Philosophy' and 'Praxis' in Marx', in: Philosophical Reflections (Philosophical Association in CNU) vol. 1, pp.5-21.

(1986) 'A Dialectical Understanding of <Tradition>(1)', in: Journal of Humanities (The Institute of Humanities of CNU) vol. 1, pp.93-115.

(1985) 'The Concept of <Praxis> in Marx(2)', in: Research Review of Humanities and Social Sciences (Chungbuk National University), vol. 30, pp. 61-73.

(1984) 'The Concept of <Praxis> in Marx(1)', in: Research Review of Humanities and Social Sciences (Chungbuk National University) vol. 28, pp.131-142.

(1982) 'Methodological Characteristics of <Positivismusstrait in 1960s> in German Sociology', in: Philosophical Forum (Seoul National University) vol. 10, pp.97-131.

Besides, there are critical reviews on K. Popper, M. Foucault, L. Althusser, E. Seid, J. Derrida, Postmodernists and so on in several journals in Korean, and also there are many articles on Reformation of  Higher Education of Korea in several journals in Korean.




since Jan. 1999. copyneutral by ahn sang-heon
email: ahnsah@chungbuk.ac.kr  tel: +82-(0)43-262-2153